Dr. Keith Reid
Dr Keith Reid BMedSci(Hons) LLM MBChB MRCPsych is a consultant psychiatrist in low secure and diversion in secure services. He has been managerially engaged since 2014, Associate Medical Director since 2017, and appointed Clinical Director commissioning regional secure service in a provider collaborative in 2022. His Associate Directorship is Positive and Safe Care, which is NTW’s restraint reduction strategy. There he has a wide remit including analysis, innovation, policy formulation, clinical expertise and engaging senior staff.
He trained in the North East and since 2019 until recently was regional Training Program Director for forensic psychiatry. Hosted by the RRN, BILD and DOH he was a final coordinating author of Towards Safer Services, which is cross-sector strategic guidance to reduce restraint. Recent work PROD-ALERT has focussed on patterns in restraint reporting by English mental health providers, both trusts and independent providers, and information science related to that. He awaits defence of PhD thesis by published works at Northumbria on quantitative methods of analysing restrictive practice, extending in to game theory, AI and computer science.
Dr. Tony Bleetman
Dr. Tony Bleetman has been a consultant in Emergency Medicine since 1996. He served as a HEMS (air ambulance) doctor for 12 years, serving as Clinical Director of the Midlands Air Ambulance for three years. Tony holds the positions of Associate Clinical Professor at the University of Warwick Medical School and Senior Lecturer at the Queen Mary University of London. He has an active and extensive research portfolio.
Tony received a PhD in Occupational Health from the University of Birmingham in 2000 for work on body armour. He served as a medical advisor to the Ministry of Defence serving as a member of SACMILL (Scientific Advisory Committee on Medical Implications of Less Lethal Weapons).
Tony qualified as a police instructor for unarmed defensive tactics, safe prisoner restraint, handcuffing, tactical communication skills, incapacitant sprays and knife defence. He has also trained in many physical intervention packages across the health, special education and secure homes sector. He also served on the NICE guidelines development group on managing the acutely disturbed psychiatric patient.
He has been able to offer medical advice on use of force, and injuries sustained during restraint, arrest and detention. He continues to provide expert advice to a number of national bodies and organisations on the safety of physical interventions. He is engaged in developing safe physical interventions and effective training strategies across a number of agencies including secure hospitals and secure children’s homes with the intention of minimising risk of injury to all parties.
Tony is leading on a newly created Masters programme on enhancing and safety and wellbeing of persons in care and custody at Queen Mary University of London, due to launch later this year.
Nathan Moore
Nathan is a renowned healthcare leader and the Chief Nursing Information Officer at Western Sydney Local Health District. With a strong focus on nursing leadership, he spearheads initiatives to enhance the adoption of clinical information systems and technologies, offering valuable guidance on learning, decision support, clinical workflows, and optimizing clinical systems for multidisciplinary care providers. Nathan's vast experience in implementing cutting-edge technologies in healthcare is complemented by his background in critical care nursing and as nurse educator specialising in developing Simulation-Based Learning programs for clinicians of all skill levels. His expertise in this area has attracted considerable attention, leading him to pursue a PhD exploring the design and deployment considerations for the use of Virtual Reality (VR) in clinical education. His ground-breaking research has generated both local and international interest.
Nathan is currently on leave from the district and is engaged in the commercialization of his VR applications under the brand Learnsuite Health in collaboration with Frameless Interactive.